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Dominion Energy, Inc:

HR Recruitment Brand

Pocket Folder + Inserts

The Challenge: 

Dominion wanted to attract youth and diversity to its team and gain talented employees who would remain with the company for their entire careers. In order to do so, Dominion needed to communicate to its prospects that it was among the most progressive companies in Virginia – particularly in how it treated its employees.


The Solution: 

We gave the piece a dynamic look and feel with lots of white space, strong shots of color and images that supported Dominion’s commitment to life-work balance. The copy was equally dynamic, communicating Dominion’s culture of diversity, flexibility and fun.


For the finishing touch, Dominion asked us to put a giant logo on the back of the piece. That’s okay – and even expected, however we like going the extra mile by using every available space to communicate a message – and that’s what we did.


As we learned more about who Dominion is, we found there are two main divisions, which work equally hard. Our brains raced – how can we represent both gas and electric? Easy – we found two images that work great together and developed a new concept! 


The back cover graphic communicated so perfectly, it found its way onto several other Dominion marketing pieces. 

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